Shivani Sharma
Coming from a world of fashion, textiles and clothing, colours and creativity are as natural to Shivani as breathing and sleeping are to most folks. Her entrepreneurial journey started with the designer label, Semantika, which saw her fashion eclectic saris, exquisite shawls and dandy scarves sourced from Kashmir and various other corners of India.
Even the tumult of the pandemic lockdown could not reign-in her prolific creativity. From painting with acrylic, water colour and palette knife, to dabbling in sculpture, within only a year, the walls of her living room looked more like a museum of art.
Her husband Rohit Sharma, saw a lucrative opportunity in converting some of her art into handmade carpets. And so began this beautiful partnership between the carpet, the artist and her muse.
Ever the rolling stone, Shivani now has her eyes set on learning mixed media art and is actively pursuing her passion of intertwining art, carpets, textiles, and colour.